Special Deal for Brewster Chamber of Commerce Members

Washington Hometown and the Brewster Chamber of Commerce have partnered to help promote recreation and businesses in the Brewster area through web maps, apps and print maps.

  • The city of Brewster is on all 3 app and 13 web maps published by Washington Hometown.

  • All Brewster businesses are on the Community WA map for one year, allowing Brewster to use the map as an index to its members.

  • Washington Hometown has upgraded all Brewster retail, hospitality and recreation businesses, adding them to the Summer Recreation map at no additional charge. Businesses have a smaller icon but are included in the search results.

  • Businesses can upgrade to be on all of the maps and apps for just $165/year, a $435 off the normal price for a premium placement.

Washington Hometown has 12 maps optimized for different activities and users, 3 apps for Apple and Android (Discover WA, OHV WA and Snowmobile WA) and a community map that highlights communities and tours while including all recreation.

For more visibility,upgrade to Premium. Put your business on all of the maps in our series with a full size icon and included in the search results.

The maps will help people find you while they are searching for recreation and you can embed them on your site to show visitor’s to your site what makes your location special.

Link to our maps or Embed them on your web page.

Email us at contact@washingtonhometown.com and we will send you the code for locations that you want to feature, or you can use the example below:


  • The basic structure for all our maps is: https://mapswa.com/discoverwa/#8.71/46.782658/-123.424378

  • We have 12 web maps: Just swap out the map name (while keeping the rest of the information the same) to load a different map with the same center.

  • You can figure out the center by zooming to the area you want on the map - or you can manually set it. The number after the # is the zoom level. The bigger the number, the more zoomed in you will be


Find the center like you would for a link, and then paste it into the iframe code below. Add dw if you want the map to load with a a simpler design more suited to iframes, leave the _dw option off on the full frame to allow people to access the filters.

<iframe style="display: none;" src="https://mapswa.com/ohvwa_dw/#11.35/47.467889/-122.907484" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" oallowfullscreen="" msallowfullscreen="" onload="this.style.display='block';" width="100%" height="800" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<a href=" https://mapswa.com/ohvwa/#11.35/47.467889/-122.907484 /">Click here to open the map full frame and access the filters.</a>

<p style="text-align:center;"><img src="https://mapswa.com/legend/ohvwa.png" width="500" height="100"></p>